Dear Parents

April 28, 2024


Dear Friends and Family of GHACS,


Thank you for supporting our school. Here is a look ahead as we go into our final month of school.


Looking Ahead:

April 30 Honesty Day

Swimming on April 30th, May 7th and 14th. Parents are welcome to come and watch their child. We are scheduled to be at the YMCA from 2:00-2:45. With the nice weather here please make sure your child has a cold lunch on these dates. We may go to a park for lunch before swimming.

May 1, 8th, 15th and 22nd We are happy to have Mrs. Schwartz at the school. She has been a big help at our school this year subbing for Mrs. Hay. We give her a big gratitude hug.

May 24th NO SCHOOL we will be taking our last snow day of the year.

May 27th NO SCHOOL Memorial Day

May 29th Graduation at our school. There will be a fundraiser meal from 5:30-6:30. Graduation will start at 6:30 P.M.  All students are involved and will be recognized with an award.

May 31st Last Day of School

Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Hay